Client’s Vision

Our client wished to revamp their existing psychiatric facility, to provide for modern amenities, like in-suite washrooms within private patient rooms, while complying with the  revision of the Mental Health Act (1987), that came into force in 2017. With the renovation, our client intended to enhance patients’ privacy, minimize the risk of self-harm and provide care for the patients, in a homely environment.

Our Approach for Executing the Project

Particulars Description
Scope of Work Facility planning for the following spaces.

  • Single, twin, general and VIP rooms, for the patients.
  • Nurse stations, pantry and utility rooms, for the staff.
  • Waiting areas for the visitors.
  • Activity rooms for therapy sessions.
  • Procedures and recovery rooms.
  • Meeting rooms for healthcare teams.

Other areas of work include architectural planning, interior designing, facade designing, MEP services and assistance.

Project Team Principal Architect – Ar. Kshititi Nagarkar

Project Head – Ar. Sneha Rananaware

Project Team – Ar. Siddhi Karalkar and Ar. Vidhi Shah

Collaborations MEP services, assistance and execution, in collaboration with AARKA Consultants.

We used a minimally invasive approach, with internal rearrangements, to retain the essence of the heritage structure while providing for modern amenities to be brought in, as per the client’s requirements. Our close interactions with the doctors and other caregivers working at the hospital, gave us numerous inputs and helped in our team’s research to implement the most creative of design ideas.

The following aspects of patient-centred care as well as neuroaesthetics were incorporated in our approach, to exceed the expectations with respect to the client’s ultimate goal of providing a well-planned, homely facility, catering to the physical and mental wellbeing of its patients.

  • Patients’ areas and visitors’ areas planned to maximize space for free movements.
  • Nursing stations, resting spaces, meeting rooms and other facilities planned ergonomically, for operational efficiency and convenience of the hospital staff.
  • Application of colour therapy in interior design to promote calmness, relaxation and energy, thereby creating the required vibe, in line with the intended purpose of the space.
  • Strategic use of the niches in lobbies, to provide for seating arrangements for small counselling sessions and provision on the lobby walls, to display art created by the patients.
  • Interiors planned to increase exposure to natural light and ventilation. Smart use of artificial lights in ambient colours, to exude a warm, pleasant feeling.
  • Re-planning the entire facility, to allow every room open its window to a soothing view of nature.

Project Achievements

A healthcare facility that boasts the best of both worlds, rich heritage with contemporary amenities, where sound mental health is ensured by its medical professionals and healing spaces.
